When you disagree with WT reps for valid reasons, the GB will put out videos saying that apostates are mentally diseased. Next thing is elders start to express that view. So you can tell what elders have been watching and what they are invested in.
I don't know the facts of this political issue but I do know that when people don't want to agree with you but cannot put together a valid/proved set of facts to establish their point, some turn to ridicule or call you mad. But they have gone right of the topic and suddenly it is all your problem - because you wont agree with them.
Jesus Christ experienced similar.
(Matthew 12:24-27) . . .At hearing this, the Pharisees said: “This fellow does not expel the demons except by means of Beelzebub, the ruler of the demons.” 25 Knowing their thoughts, he said to them: “Every kingdom divided against itself comes to desolation, and every city or house divided against itself will not stand. 26 In the same way, if Satan expels Satan, he has become divided against himself; how, then, will his kingdom stand? 27 Moreover, if I expel the demons by means of Beelzebub, by means of whom do your sons expel them? This is why they will be judges of you.